See That “S” On My Chest?

Thanks for all of the very supportive comments on my last post! It feels great to be on the road to recovery.

Even when I’m a mess, I still put on a vest, with an “S” on my chest,
Oh yes, I’m a Superwoman.

I cannot even tell you how sore my arm/chest muscles were from the Jillian videos. I blame credit the Chaturanga pushups. These suckers are tough. It’s similar to a regular pushup, except you move S-L-O-W and you keep your elbows tight into your body.

I can go down into the pushup, but I can’t push myself back up more than a few times. But, instead of giving up and skipping that part, I just do what I can do. Eventually, my strength will improve. I can’t wait till the day I post to tell you I did all my Chaturanga pushups without stopping! (<– I should have some serious guns to prove it.)

So yeah, yesterday I was so sore, it hurt so bad to do things like put on my coat. Picking up my 6-month-old in his carseat felt like I was trying to lift an automobile. Needless to say, my “workout” yesterday consisted of s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g

After work yesterday, I headed into Dupont Circle for my first ever blogger meet-up. Good times. I enjoyed meeting some of the bloggers whose blogs I read regularly — Holly and Evan — as well as some new (to me) bloggers. We met at Pizzeria Paradiso in DC for a very low-key dinner since most of us them were running the Suntrust Marathon today. Pizzeria Paradiso is awesome, and I totally ate like I, too, was carbo loading!  (I didn’t take any pictures but will see if I can get a copy of the group shot to share with you…)

I stayed up way too late last night reading blogs, catching up with Olivia and Elliot:

and enjoying a cold refreshment:


This morning, I woke up at 7:30 ready to hit the gym. I was inspired by the marathoners from the night before, but also, three weeks after my tonsillectomy, I felt like I had recovered sufficiently to return to…

Couch 2 5k!

I was so nervous getting on the treadmill. I doubted whether I’d be able to pick up where I left off after an entire month break. Week 3 looks like this:

28 minutes total

  • 5 minute warm-up
  • 90 second run
  • 90 second walk
  • 3 minute run
  • 3 minute walk
  • 90 second run
  • 90 second walk
  • 3 minute run
  • 3 minute walk
  • 5 minute cool-down

During the 3 minute runs, my heart rate got into the high 170’s and, frankly, that scares me. I think I may end up repeating week 3 until I can do it more comfortably. We’ll see. I’ll probably give week 4 a shot and see how I do first.

I did pretty well, but screwed up slightly and ended up not doing the entire final 3 minute run. I had to walk two extra minutes to hit the 2 mile mark.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend so far! I’m on my way to Target to buy sports bras — exciting!  😛

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15 Responses to See That “S” On My Chest?

  1. Congrats on that run!! Chataranga pushups seriously kill me!! I am always so sore the next day!

  2. Kristina says:

    Nice run!!!!!!
    I love catching up with SVU…I usually try and let a bunch save up on my DVR and spend one night just going to town-and then locking all my doors and windows!

  3. I used to tape EVERY SINGLE EPISODE of SVU, but I got so burned out on it- there’s really only so many times I can hear someone talk about ligature strangulation, you know? I do miss seeing Elliot’s face though 🙂

  4. Priyanka says:

    Wow, Christine! You are doing so well!I am no runner,but it is a great idea to stay on the week if you not totally comfortable progressing to the next week.

    • Christine says:

      Thanks, Priyanka! I think I’m going to have to repeat. But hey, as long as I keep running, it’s still progress!

  5. Great run! Awesome that you’re paying attention to heart rate.
    Oh and I ONLY buy sports bras at target. Their champion ones are the best!

    • Christine says:

      Thanks, Clare. I just feel like the day will never come that my heart rate comes down enough to run more than a couple of minutes. But, I have to have faith and believe it will get better. That’s what keeps me going.

  6. Woohoo! C0ngrats on the run! You are doing AWESOME!

  7. Hannah says:

    Oh gosh, i don’t even know what show Olivia and Elliot are from! 😛 Well done you for getting back into exercise 🙂

  8. Katie says:

    Congrats on the run! I love the workout clothes at Target!!

    I’ve been thinking about getting the Jillian DVD–sounds like I should get it!

  9. Good for you! That is awesome! And *yay* for new sports bras!

  10. You are superwoman =) look at those workouts! go girl go! ❤

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